PHI PI EPSILON now has quite a few members. Un- fortunately they are rather widely scattered and only in a few places are there enough to make up any kind of real group and only in two places has this really occured, in Chicago with Beta and in Madison Wisc., with Theta. Some who have joined have, after a time written and asked, I joined FPE, what do I do now?" Well, unfortunately until enough join in an area and someone takes the initiative about arranging a get together there is not too much that can be done. At the moment I am too swamped to be able to organize and operate a national activity from here, by myself.


However, Fran 49-C-1 FPE, founder of the Theta chapter has come up with a real good idea. She would like to offer what might be called, associate member- ship in the Theta chapter, even to those too far away to attend meetings. Since Theta is an active group, with its own monthly bulletin, and with a real project un- derway, such associate membership could provide à sense of belonging and a means of helping the work of the Foundation even if you are the only FPE for several hundred miles around. Of course Theta has its monthly dues, but it will be arranged that associate members will pay a smaller fee to cover the cost of their copy of the bulletin and mailing. So until the possibility of a group in your area becomes a reality why not take advantage of Theta's kind offer and join with them. In unity there is strength. So write to Fran thru CONTACT ( no fee will be charged) and I will forward it to her. This invitation applies, of course to FPE members only.

Areas where FPE chapters could get going are Miami, Hartford Conn., Central New York, San Fran- cisco, New Jersey, Detroit, the Washington D. C. and Maryland area, and New York City. I hope that some- one in each of these areas will undertake the job.

REMINDER: 1964 FPE dues of$6 are now payable. This money goes to the Foundation, not Chevalier. Those who are not members of FPE can help with donations.
